Born the 4th of september 1977 at Strasbourg (France)




Education :

Ø      2001 - 2002 : DEA, microelectronics, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France

Ø      1999 - 2002 : A 3-year course at the Industrial Computer Science & Instrumentation Engineers departement (3I) at the Grenoble Institute of Science & Technology (ISTG). Presently in 3rd year.

Ø      1999 : Diploma University of Technology at the University of Strasbourg majoring in electronic, industrial computer science, mechanism…


Professional activities :

Ø      April-September 2002 :

Training period at the TIMA laboratory in the SLS group.

Subject : Automatic test program generation for hardware functionnal verification.


Ø      Mai- July 2001 :

Traning period at TIMA laboratory in the SLS group.

Subject : AMBA Advanced System Bus modelisation and design in SystemC


Research Interests :

Ø      Hardware Functionnal Verification

Ø      Operating Systems


Extra curricular activities :

Hill-walking, Roller, Skiing, Tennis


Address :

Ø      at Home:59, allée des Romantiques 38100 Grenoble France

Ø      at Work:Tima Laboratory ,46Avenue Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex France

Email :