Diploma and Ph.D. in Informatics from Karlsruhe
University in 1980 and 1984
1980-1985 Research Assistant in the Informatics Faculty
(Institute for Computer Design and Fault Tolerance, Prof. Dr. D. Schmid),
University of Karlsruhe
1986-1990 Head of Research Group "Automation of Circuit
Design" at the Computer Science Research Center (FZI) at the University
of Karlsruhe
since 1990 Professor (Chair for Computer Engineering)
at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Informatics (WSI), University of
Tübingen, as well as Director of FZI Department "System Design in
Further Activities
Member of the Editorial Board of the following Journals:
- "Design Automation for Embedded Systems" (Kluwer)
- "Integration, the VLSI Journal" (Elsevier Science)
- "ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems"
Chair of the European SystemC Users Group
Program Chair HLDTV2002, Eurodac95, VLSI95, Eurodac94, EDAC92,
General Chair Eurodac97, HLSW92
Member of the Executive Committee of the DATE Conference
TPC member for Eurodac, ICCAD, VLSI u. a.
Member of GI, IEEE, and IFIP 10.5
Special Interest in
electronic design automation, especially synthesis, co-design,
verification, and modeling
computer architecture
artificial neural networks