13th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 15-19, 2013, Otsu, Japan

Masaki Gondo, eSOL Co., Ltd., Japan
A Many-Core realtime OS (MCOS)
Multicore processors are becoming popular not only in smart phones but also in other embedded applications. Now from cloud servers to battery powered handheld embedded devices, number of cores are further increasing and manycore chips with more than four cores often found in current multicore chips. The increased number of cores poses new challanges to OS, as it is no longer able to extend a single-core based monolithic architecture. This presentaiton discuss the manycore challanges and how recent researches including Many-Core realtime OS (MCOS) by the author are dealing with them. The architecture and basic design principles of MCOS are introduced.
Masaki is the Software CTO at eSOL, the company that provides ITRON/T-Kernel/ POSIX RTOS, as well as various engineering services. He has more than fifteen years of experience in the field of OS architecture and related technologies for use in wide range of embedded system appl ications including car-infotainment. He has authored/co-authored multiple popular Japanese books and international articles on OS and embedded systems. He has given technical talks at conferences in Japan and US. He also acts as: visiting research fellow at Advanced Multicore Processor Research Institute at Waseda University, steering committee of T-Engine forum, JEITA microprocessor technical committee, and Multicore Association working group member.