13th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 15-19, 2013, Otsu, Japan

Michel Laurence, École de technologie supérieure (ETS) / Octasic Inc., Canada
Low-Power High-Performance Asynchronous General Purpose ARMv7 for Multi-Core Applications
This session presents an active research project to develop a general purpose asynchronous ARMv7 core for multi-core applications. The core has been implemented using 28nm silicon technology. Details of the architecture, implementation as well as results on performance, silicon area, and power consumption will be presented. Other products and applications based on the asynchronous methodology will also be discussed.
Michel Laurence is CEO and one of the founders of Octasic Inc. He is also professor of Electrical Engineering at Ecole de technologie supérieure in Montreal. Octasic is a 15 year-old private fabless semiconductor vendor specialized in high-performance DSPs for the telecom industry. Prior to Octasic, Mr. Laurence was VP & GM of the Network Division of Natural MicroSystems (NMS) in Boston. He joined NMS as a result of its acquisition of InnoMediaLogic (IML) which he had founded in 1996. Prior to this Mr. Laurence held various technical management positions in the telecom industry in the US and Canada. He holds a bachelor (1978) and master (1981) degrees in Electrical Engineering. He originally graduated with a BSc in Physics from the Royal Military College of Canada (St-Jean) in 1973.