
Emil Matus, Technical University Dresden, Germany


Challenges for resource management in communications manycore computing architectures


The base stations are components with highest energy consumption and computation density within the mobile infrastructure. In order to cope with computation and energy efficiency requirements of future base stations the computing platforms of base stations become heterogeneous and massively parallel. The challenges arises for system designers regarding i) efficient resource management for purpose of optimizing system performance and resource utilization and ii) system implementation complexity. This talk addresses these issues by proposing concept of flexible resource management unit enabling efficient workload distribution adaptable to various deployment and operational scenarios.


Dr. Emil Matus is senior scientist at Vodafone Chair Mobile Communication Systems of TU Dresden where he is leading HW research group. He received his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Technology in Kosice. Prior to joining Vodafone chair in 2003 he was research associate at TU Kosice focused on wavelet transform and image compression. His current research interests include algorithms and architectures for communication signal processing, particularly, detection-decoding engines and heterogeneous manycore architectures.