13th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 15-19, 2013, Otsu, Japan

Norbert Wehn, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Multi-Gigabit Channel Decoders
The internet of things and the ever increasing number of smartphones is pushing new communication standards and the mobile traffic which increases over 60%/year until 2017. Consequently energy efficient and high throughput channel decoders are mandatory. In this talk we revise current architectures for advanced channel decoders and discuss their limits w.r.t. throughput.
Norbert holds the chair for Microelectronic System Design in the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Kaiserslautern. He has more than 250 publications in various fields of microelectronic system design and holds several patents. He is chairman of the Research Center “Ambient Systems” at TU Kaiserslautern, associate editor of various journals and member of several scientific advisory boards. In 2003 he served as program chair for DATE 2003 and as general chair for DATE 2005 respectively. His special research interests are VLSI-architectures for mobile communication, forward error correction techniques, low-power techniques, advanced SoC architectures, 3D integration, reliability issues in SoC and hardware accelerators for financial mathematics.