13th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 15-19, 2013, Otsu, Japan

Koichiro Yamashita, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
A principle simulator for architecture design of distributed multi node sensor system
The proposed simulator supports the architecture design that the sensor group operates mutually. These sensors individually have independent CPU, the wireless, and the power control mechanism. The simulator is used to consider the useful system architecture including the power consumption model, The time model of distributed parallel operation and the wireless behavior model.
Koichiro Yamashita has received the M.E. degrees in computer science from Waseda University, and joined Fujitsu LTD in 1995. He had worked for parallel operating system on the vector-parallel super computing system (VPP series) for 5 years, and moved to electric device group (EDG) of Fujitsu LTD in 2001. In 2006, he moved to Fujitsu Laboratories. In 2009, he works as manager of mobile phone BU of Fujitsu LTD and research fellow of platform technology labs of Fujitsu Laboratories LTD. concurrently.