13th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 15-19, 2013, Otsu, Japan

Hiroto Yasuura, Kyushu University, Japan
Dependability Issues on MPSoC
Hiroto Yasuura is an Executive Vice President of Kyushu University and in charge of Finance (CFO), Academia-Industry relationship and Information Infrastructure (CIO) of Kyushu University. He is also a professor of Department of Advanced Information Technology, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, and a member of System LSI Research Center in Kyushu University. Prof. Yasuura received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1976, 1978, and 1983 respectively. He was an associate professor in Kyoto University and moved to Kyushu University in 1991. Prof. Yasuura developed several EDA systems for VLSI and hardware algorithms in Kyoto University. In Kyushu University, Prof. Yasuura have conducted research projects on the system LSI design methodology, which includes data-path width optimization, low-energy system design, SoC architecture, a core base LSI test method and dependability of VLSI. He also developed an educational microprocessor, KUE-CHIP2, and promoted education of VLSI design in computer science area in Japan. He also developed a social information infrastructure system called VRICS. Prof. Yasuura is the research director of Silicon Sea Belt Fukuoka from 2001, to build up a research-industry cluster on LSI design. He is also a founder of ISIT (Institute of System and Information Technologies of Fukuoka, established in 1995), which is founded by Fukuoka city for promoting ICT industry. From 2011, he is the director of Experimental Center for Social System Technologies in Fukuoka and also the director general of Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center. Prof. Yasuura served as Technical Program Chair and General Chair of ICCAD in 1997 and 1998, respectively. He served as a Vice President of IEEE CAS Society, an ACM SIGDA advisory board member, and General Chair of ASP-DAC 2003. He is also the Steering Committee Chair of ASP-DAC and a fellow of IEICE and IPSJ.