15th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 13-17, 2015, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA

Masaki Gondo, eSOL Co.,Ltd., Japan
A scalable RTOS for heterogenous and manycore computing
Future intelligent embedded systems such as autonomous driving systems and high-end medical systems require a leap in the computing performance while assuring its realtime processing and reliability. The manycore hardware are on the rise, and their architectures are often unique and have different impacts on the software. Further, for high-end systems, mixture of different MPSoCs are required, forming a very heterogeneous computing system. A new, scalable RTOS capable of adapting manycore and heterogeneous architectures are presented, illustrating the actual hardware architectures the OS have been ported to.
Masaki is the Software CTO at eSOL, the company that provides ITRON/T-Kernel/ POSIX RTOS, as well as various engineering services. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of OS architecture and related technologies for use in wide range of embedded system applications including car-infotainment. He has authored/co-authored multiple popular Japanese books and international articles on OS and embedded systems. He has given technical talks conferences in Japan and US. He also acts as: Multicore Association SHIM Working Group chair, Vice-chair of Embedded Multicore Consortium, visiting research fellow at Advanced Multicore Processor Research Institute at Waseda University, steering committee of T-Engine forum, JEITA microprocessor technical committee, among others.
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