15th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 13-17, 2015, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA

Slides available here!
Weihua Sheng, Silexica, Germany
Towards a flexible compiler infrastructure for heterogeneous MPSoCs: Two case studies
Heterogeneous MPSoCs excel at delivering computing performance and controlling energy/power consumption demanded by today's and future electronic products at the same time. Now the bottleneck to fully unleash the promises of MPSoC platforms shifts to the tedious, largely manual software development process. In this presentation we focus on two case studies that employ a flexible compiler infrastructure for MPSoCs. The first case addresses sequential code parallelization in the context of smartphone applications. In the second use case, system architects use the compiler infrastructure to drive power-aware software distribution for multicores.
Weihua Sheng received the Bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2000 and MSc degree from RWTH Aachen University in 2003. From 2004 to 2006, he was with Synopsys Inc. developing hardware verification tools. From 2007 to 2013 he has spearheaded the technology development on multicore programming tools in the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems (ICE) at RWTH Aachen University, which later turned into the foundation of Silexica. He has a proven record of successful consultation and collaboration with top tier technology companies on multicore design tools. In August 2014, he cofounded Silexica Software Solutions GmbH and currently serves as CTO.
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