for software-defined hardware
MPSoC Forum 2017
Multicore and multiprocessor SoC (MPSoC) started a new computing era but brought a twofold challenge: building HW easy to use by SW designers and building SW that fully exploits HW capabilities. The main domains addressed at MPSoC Forum are related to adapting HW and SW for better cost, performances and energy efficiency of next generation computing systems. Emerging SW and HW design technologies and architectures combined with advanced semiconductor manufacturing technologies are explored to build energy efficient Manycore and many IP architectures serving advanced computing (image, vision, and cloud) and distributed networked systems.
Why attend
Thanks to its full week format and the high quality of both attendees and speakers, MPSOC is a unique opportunity for executives and senior managers to explore new ideas and refine strategic thinking. MPSOC is the single best event in the world that brings together so many leading thinkers on the future of HW and SW design. It enables great informal networking and interactions with experienced, distinguished researchers and top academic and industrial experts. It builds bridges between different technical areas and corporations/institutes/ countries. Finally, it is a unique environment for anyone who wants to share knowledge with researchers and key managers from industry.
MPSOC is an interdisciplinary forum bringing together key
R&D actors from the different fields required to design
Multicore and multiprocessor HW and SW systems.
The program brings together experts in major HW and SW architectures (Processor,
Memory, I/O, Interconnect, RTOS, GFX, Virtualization, application-(domain)
specific acceleration & system architectures), design technologies (parallel
programming, rapid prototyping, system design models and tools) and emerging
semiconductor technologies (heterogeneous integration, 3D, photonics) to build
next-generation thinking that will bridge the gap between HW and SW. More than
50 world class R&D speakers will discuss fundamental and strategic issues to
master Software-defined Hardware for energy-efficient and high-performance
The program includes keynotes on major HW and SW trends and technical sessions
to present strategic directions and state-of-the-art research. The 5-day program will
also include in-depth technology challenge presentations and short keynotes
followed by insightful panels. All the talks will be given by CTO-level speakers
from Industry and world class professors from Academia.
For registration before May 15, the fee amounts to 1400 USD for regular attendees, 1190 USD for IEEE and EDAA members, and 850 USD for Speakers. Each speaker is allowed to invite Junior attendee (student) with a fee of 790 USD. It will cover the documentation, the lunch for five days, dinner for four days including the social dinner. View Registration page for more details.