Short Biography


Prof. Amara AMARA obtained his HDR (Confirmation of Leading Research Capabilities) in 1999 from Evry university, a Ph.D. in computer science in 1989 and a DEA (MSc) in 1984 in microelectronics and computer science both from Paris VI university.

In 1988 he joined IBM research and development laboratory at Corbeil-Essonnes where he was involved in SRAM memory design with advanced CMOS technologies. From 1989 to 1992, he was assistant professor developing microelectronics academic programs for CEMIP (Microelectronic Center of Paris Iles-de-France) and took part actively to the European Research Project ESPRIT. In 1992, he joined ISEP (Paris Institute for Electronics) in charge of the microelectronics laboratory where he headed a team involved in High Speed GaAs VLSI circuit design. Since 1996, in addition to the management of the Electronics Department, his research activities are mainly focusing on Low Power circuit design techniques and more recently on Ultra Low Voltage SOI circuits design. In 1999, he did his sabbatical at Stanford university where he joined Professor De Micheli’s group.

Prof. Amara was an elected member of the French IEEE Executive Committee until January 2002. He is currently Chairman of the IEEE-CAS Chapter. Among other activities, Prof. Amara is member of the Board of Directors of ISEP-Enterprise Association, member of the ICP (Catholic Institute of Paris) Scientific Committee and member of the CEMIP Executive Committee. He initiated and is General Chair of FTFC, a Low Voltage and Low Power Workshop.

Prof. Amara has published more than 60 papers and has given more than 10 invited talks in Europe and in the USA.