Vytautas STUIKYS, PhD, Associate Professor, Kaunas University of Technology

Studentu 50-215A,  KTU, Informatics Faculty, 3031-Kaunas, Lithuania

Fax: (370 37) 300 352  Phone: (370 37) 300 399 E-mail: vystu@if.ktu.lt



Background and Position:


He currently holds the position of a professor at the Software Engineering Department, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU, Lithuania). He received the Diploma Engineer degree in Electrical Engineering and PhD in the field of CAD from KTU (former Polytechnic Institute). Previously he was with Computer Engineering Department. Since 1999 he is with Software Engineering Department at Informatics Faculty, KTU.


Teaching activity:


The courses delivered for students at the postgraduate level:

Reuse Methodology in Software Engineering.

Software project management and information ecology.

The first one has been prepared as a part of the international (European) project in the framework of TEMPUS programme. He was Co-ordinator of the above-mentioned project: “Interdisciplinary Teaching in Signal Processing in Lithuania” (JEP-11293 (1996-1999)).


Research activity:


He is leader of the research group “CAD processes” and supervisor of PhD students. The main research interests of the group include Software reuse, Domain-specific languages, including HDL, Design methodologies, including the IP-based design, and higher-level transformational processes in SW/HW design. The group provides research topics for the students at Master and PhD levels and is closely related with teaching at the postgraduate level.

He is the author of several teaching textbooks and the monograph “Software design for functional testing of analogue circuits” (in Russian). He has written more than 50 papers on the topics of CAD.


Recent research:


His recent research is focused on meta-programming and program generation techniques. To support these techniques, he and colleagues have developed the experimental domain-independent meta (scripting) language Open PROMOL. We use meta-programming techniques for analysis and design of soft IPs. Our results were reported at the recent international conferences (DATE’2001, FDL’01). Our contributions on the homogeneous and heterogeneous meta-programming techniques will be presented at the WCC’2002 and FDL’02. The list of the recent papers on the topics includes more than 15 positions. More about our activity: www.soften.ktu.lt/~stuik/group