12th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 9-13, 2012, Québec, Canada
Gerd Ascheid, RWTH Aachen, GermanyTitle:
Efficient and Portable Real-Time Application Implementation on Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms
Application specific, heterogeneous MPSoC platforms are far more efficient in terms of throughput and energy/power consumption. This is of particular importance for high performance real time applications e.g. in mobile terminals. Note that specifications of real-time applications comprise not only functional behavior but, equally important, timing behavior, like throughput and latency. Programming of homogeneous MPSoC is already a challenge; heterogeneity and real-time add further dimensions to the complexity of the task. This is not only an issue for the development of new applications but also for porting of legacy code onto new platforms or even new platform generations. The Nucleus methodology enables efficient programming and porting for heterogeneous MPSoC through libraries of processing intensive kernels. Flavors of the kernels capture not only efficient implementations on different processing elements but also important performance parameters like throughput, latency, code size or chip area. The methodology and a prototype tool chain will be presented and discussed (except for the mapping which is part of the presentation by Rainer Leupers at this MPSoC). Feasibility and potentials of the Nucleus method will be demonstrated with the mapping of wireless applications onto different MPSoC platforms like STMicroelectronics P2012, a TI-DSP based SDR platform and a proprietary platform with hardware accelerators.
Gerd Ascheid (Senior Member IEEE) received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in Electrical Engineering (Commun. Eng.) from RWTH Aachen University. Before being appointed to a full professor position at RWTH Aachen University he worked 9 years for SYNOPSYS, a California-based EDA market leader, where his last position was Senior Director, Wireless & Broadband Communications Service Line. Since April 2003 Gerd Ascheid heads the Institute for Integrated Signal Processing Systems and since October 2006 he is in addition coordinator of the UMIC (Ultra-high speed Mobile Information and Communication) research centre, both at RWTH Aachen University. His research interest is in mobile communication, with focus on the physical layer, application specific processing architectures, in particular, heterogeneous MPSoC platforms, and flexible transceivers (Software Defined Radio, SDR). He is co-founder of CADIS and of LisaTek, EDA tool providers which both are now part of Synopsys Inc.
* If you wish to modify any information or update your photo, please contact the web chairalain.fourmigue@polymtl.ca