12th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 9-13, 2012, Québec, Canada

Guy Bois, Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, CanadaTitle:
Recent Experience on an ESL Framework for Rapid Design Exploration using Hardware-Software Codesign for ARM based FPGAs
Advances in Electronic System Level design of the last few years are reflected in tools and methodologies. This paper shows how our ESL platform, called SpaceStudio, has expanded support for recent standards that have emerged such as SystemC TLM-2.0 and IEEE 1685 (IP-XACT) and incorporated novel research in virtual platform modeling, performance monitoring, hardware/software co-design and co-synthesis - all capabilities necessary to create modern multiprocessor embedded systems, particularly for the upcoming Xilinx Zynq (Extensible Processing Platform) family based on ARM Cortex-A9.
Guy Bois is professor at the Department of Computer and Software Engineering of École Polytechnique de Montréal. His research interests include Electronic System Level (ESL), more precisely virtual platforms, architectural exploration, cosynthesis and functional verification. He is also cofounder of Space Codesign Systems Inc. Dr. Bois received his bachelor and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Montreal. He is also engineer.
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