12th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 9-13, 2012, Québec, Canada

Dongrui Fan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaTitle:
High Throughput Data Processing Unit -- Godson-DAbstract:
"Big Data" is popular in the world because of the rapid development of internet, cloud computing and mobile computing. Mobile devices, RFID, wireless sensors, internet service generate massive data every second. At the same time, requirements of real-time processing and high-throughput processing on these big data propose challenges for architects. Only using general purpose processor is not enough, and we should propose new design methods to accelerate the big data processing. This is what will be discussed in this talk.
Dongrui Fan received Ph.D. degree of computer architecture in 2005 from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and now he is an Associate Professor of the institute since 2006. Dongrui participated Godson-1 and Godson-2 micro-architecture designs from 2000. Currently, his research interests focus on multi-core/many-core architecture and low-power micro-architecture design. He leads AMS research Lab and designed the new processor models -- Godson-X, Godson-T and Godson-D, which are research on the new generation Godson series chips. Dongrui is Technical Committee Member of Computer Architecture and System Software of China Computer Federation (CCF) and HiPEAC/IEEE/ACM member. He serves as a Program Committee Member of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) in 2009 and 2010. He also serves as the Program Vice-Chair of Multi-Core and Parallel Systems in the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) in 2011, and several workshops. Dongrui leads or participates many Chinese national science projects and EU FP7 project. He published papers on MICRO, IEEE Micro, CGO, IPDPS, CF, EuroPar, Trans. on HiPEAC, etc. There are more informations on http://ams.ict.ac.cn
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