12th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 9-13, 2012, Québec, Canada

Yassine Hariri, CMC Microsystems, CanadaTitle:
Platform 2012: A Many-Core R&D Opportunity Brought to You Jointly by CMC Microsystems and STMicroelectronics
CMC Microsystems is collaborating with STMicroelectronics (Canada) on STM’s P2012 initiative which involves researchers around the world and an increasing number in Canada. STM’s P2012 aims at moving a significant step forward in accelerator architecture for imaging, video, and next-generation immersive multimodal applications such as computational photography, virtual and augmented reality.P2012 is an area- and power-efficient many-core computing fabric, and it provides an architectural harness that eases integration of hardwired accelerators. The advanced programming models for P2012 are supported with the MIND component-based technology that is used to map the parallel architecture of applications on the platform resources. This presentation describes the P2012 architecture and the software development kit environment, thenintroduces the P2012 HW/SW porting to a multi-FPGA based environment, followed by an overview of a Low-cost board for P2012 SoC evaluation that is under development by ST Microelectronics. An Outlook of HW/SW co-design is described as well. The presentation concludes with a description of the P2012 Ecosystem, main research areas enabled by Platform 2012, and how to get involved.
Yassine Hariri received the B.S. degree from Ecole marocaine des Sciences de l’ingénieur, Casablanca, Morroco, in 1998, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (ETS), Montreal, QC, Canada, in 2002 and 2008, respectively, all in electrical engineering. His research interests include several areas related to microelectronic circuits and microsystems such as HW/SW co-design, testing, verification, validation, defect and fault tolerance, and computer-aided methodologies for the design of very high speed digital ASIC/FPGA technologies. Other interests include the development of methodologies for implementing and the implementation of multi-processor platforms to FPGA targets, with a focus on board-level HW/SW implementation, integration and verification.In 2011, he joined CMC Microsystems and is currently a senior platform design engineer in the embedded system Group.
* If you wish to modify any information or update your photo, please contact the web chairalain.fourmigue@polymtl.ca