12th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 9-13, 2012, Québec, Canada

Jenq Kuen Lee, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, TaiwanTitle:
OpenCL Support and Applications for Embedded Multi-Core DSP Systems
With the emergence of DSPs, GPUs, and FPGAs, embedded systems have become even diverse than they were in the last decade. With the increased system diversity, it is a crucial issue to manage the hardware resources in an MPSoC system. To address this issue, an enormous number of programming models have been proposed with their aims to reduce the programming effort and maximize the system utilization. OpenCL is an industrial attempt to unify heterogeneous multicore programming, and we believe it is with the opportunity to become the solution for embedded multicore programming. In this talk, we will illustrate how OpenCL helps manage multicore resources and simplify multicore programming. We will also present our compiler design to support OpenCL on embedded VLIW DSP processors. At last, experimental results of a face -based RMS application and an OpenCL testsuite will be presented with our multicore DSP platforms.
Jenq Kuen Lee received the B.S. degree in computer science from National Taiwan University in 1984. He received a Ph.D. in computer science from Indiana University in 1992, where he also received a M.S. (1991) in computer science. He was a key member of the team who developed the first version of the pC++ language and SIGMA system while at Indiana University. He was also a recipient of the most original paper award in ICPP '97 with the paper entitled "Data Distribution Analysis and Optimization for Pointer-Based Distributed Programs". In 2005, he received Taiwan MOEA funding to lead a research team to develop compilers for PAC VLIW DSP processors with distributed register files by collaborating with ITRI STC. The efforts were renewed in 2008 for another three years focusing on embedded multi-core compilers and applications. He is also a recipient of Google Research Award (Mountain View), 2009. He has also been a director for Taiwan MOE ESW (embedded system software) consortium since 2008. He also leads MOEA embedded research projects (2005, 2008, and 2012) in Taiwan. In 2010, he received a Taiwan MOEA economic contribution award (Deep Plow Award) for his contribution in embedded compiler research. His research interests are in optimizing compilers, embedded compilers, and computer architectures.
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