
Keiji Kimura, Waseda University, Japan


OSCAR API for Low-Power Multicores and Manycores, and API Standard Translator


Multicores have been widely used even in embedded area. There are various embedded multicore architectures, such as SMP for MPCore, local memory architecture for CELL/B.E., heterogeneous architecture for Tegra, and so on. In addition, low-power control is one of the most important issues for all computing area. This talk introduces the OSCAR API for low-power embedded multicores and manycores including heterogeneous architectures. OSCAR API is consists of only 22 directives, such for data placement, data transfer, power control and accelerator control, for C and Fortran programs based on a subset of OpenMP. One of the importrant usages of OSCAR API is an interface between OSCAR compiler and multicore platforms. The performance evaluation results on cooperative work between OSCAR compiler and OSCAR API are shown in this talk. This talk also introduces OSCAR API standard translator, which can easily apply OSCAR API on various platforms even if they have only an ordinary sequential compiler.


Keiji Kimura received the B.S., M.S. and Ph. D degrees in electrical engineering from Waseda University, in 1996, 1998, 2001 respectively. He was an assistant professor in 2004, and has been associate professor of Department of Computer Science since 2005 at Waseda University. His research interest includes microprocessor architecture, multiprocessor architecture, multicore processor architecture, and there compiler. He is a member of IPSJ, ACM and IEEE. He has served on program committee of conferences such as ICCD, ICPP, LCPP and IISWC.

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