12th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 9-13, 2012, Québec, Canada

Chong-Min Kyung, Kaist, KoreaTitle:
Integrated Energy-Aware Smart Sensor Platform DevelopmentAbstract:
Smart sensors are required for safety reasons in various applications such as medical, mobile, vehicular and environmental uses. A holistic approach for developing smart sensor platforms considering the process, device, circuit, system and software aspects covering the above-mentioned areas is explained. Two key issues, profitability and sustainability, are explained for the successful burgeoning and propsperity of smart sensors.
Chong-Min Kyung obtained B.S. and M.S./Ph. D, degrees in Seoul National University, in 1975, and from KAIST in 1977, 1981, respetively. He has been active in the EDA algorithm, processor/DSP core development, and recently started a government-funded research project related with low-energy smart sensor design. He has been teaching in the department of Electrical Engineering at the KAIST since 1983. He is a fellow of the IEEE.
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