16th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 11-15, 2016, Nara Hotel, Nara, Japan

Slides available here!
Amane Inoue, Socionext, Japan
Linear vs Adhocracy Innovation in Imaging, Networking and Computing
Due to the ever-increasing cost, investment for the linear progress of technology is rarely economically viable. However, it doesn't mean that the technology innovation is ended. At the same time with linear innovation, we have seen another tide of innovation happening. Recent innovations such as virtual reality machines, drone cameras, smart watches, robotics and so on are created with combination of various technologies that have been linearly cultivated and unique ideas/conceptions. We call such innovation "Adhocracy Innovation."
Adhocracy is supposed to be used for organization that operates in an opposite fashion to a bureaucracy. And it was coined to express a flexible, adaptable and informal form of organization and has been further developed by academics such as Henry Mintzberg. Adhocracy is the phrase that perfectly encapsulates what is currently happening in innovation.
We will introduce Socionext's core technologies in the field of imaging, networking and computing that has been cultivated linearly and that contributes to adhocracy innovation.
Amane Inoue has over 30 year experience in semiconductor industry and currently serves as President & COO of Socionext Inc. Prior to Socionext, he had engaged in semiconductor business in Fujitsu and served as a Member of the Board and Corporate Senior Vice President. Also Inoue has more than 10 years overseas work experience in England, Ireland & France in design and manufacturing. He started his semiconductor industry career from the development of LSI for optical submarine cable repeater, followed by Memory, Security Device, MCU, and SOC. He received master degree at McGill University in Canada.
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