16th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 11-15, 2016, Nara Hotel, Nara, Japan

Masaki Gondo, eSOL Co.,Ltd., Japan
Toward a fully scalable RTOS from single to manycore, AUTOSAR and beyond
As IoT advances, the embedded systems are ever more becoming complex. The on-board intelligence requires super high performance computing with heterogeneous manycore computing, while there are still many devices with single core chips but integrated into a distributed system. A good example is a future automotive system, which utilizes standards such as AUTOSAR, which is mostly intended for single core MCUs. However, the rise of autonomous driving and next generation HMIs require far more than multiple cores. The challenge is how we can achieve a software foundation that spans over these highly heterogeneous systems. This talk introduces the work-in-progress development for a scalable RTOS that can adapt to all these environments.
Masaki is the Software CTO at eSOL, the company that provides ITRON/T-Kernel/ POSIX/AUTOSAR RTOS, as well as various engineering services. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of OS architecture and related technologies for use in wide range of embedded system applications including automotive, industrial, and electronic appliances. He has authored/co-authored multiple popular Japanese books and international articles on OS and embedded systems. He has given technical talks conferences in Japan and US. He also acts as the Chief Architect for AUBASS, Multicore Association SHIM Working Group chair, Vice-chair of Embedded Multicore Consortium, visiting research fellow at Advanced Multicore Processor Research Institute at Waseda University, steering committee of T-Engine forum, NEDO technical committee, among others.
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