16th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 11-15, 2016, Nara Hotel, Nara, Japan

Slides available here!
Nicolas Ventroux, CEA LIST, France
Deep Neural Network Prototyping Platform with Automated Multi-target Hardware Exports and Benchmarking
Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have dramatically improved over the last couple of years. They are becoming a mainstream for many applications, such as face recognition, audio context recognition, speech transcription or scene labeling. They are on the verge of becoming a primary component in any user-interacting or autonomous device, including smartphones or ADAS. However, their adoption in embedded systems remains challenging in terms of energy efficiency and implementation effort. For this reason, we introduce a DNN prototyping platform able to automatically build and implement efficient DNN-based applications on different hardware targets. The platform integrates the database construction, the data pre-processing, the network building, the benchmarking and the hardware export to many computing platforms such as CPUs, DSPs, GPUs (OpenMP, OpenCL, Cuda and CuDNN) or our dedicated PNeuro configurable DNN accelerator. In addition, this platform can generate a custom hardware IP for FPGA High-Level Synthesis (HLS).
Nicolas Ventroux is a project manager and the deputy head of the Embedded Computing Laboratory at CEA LIST. He received a M.Sc and a M.Eng. in Computer Sciences from INSA, Rennes in 2003, and the PhD degree in Electronics from the University of Rennes in 2006. He is a CEA Senior Expert in multiprocessor modeling and design, and a project manager of national and European projects. He was a scholar visitor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the CALCM laboratory for one year in 2012. He is involved today in different European programs and in the management of large European research projects. He wrote, as author and co-author, ten patents and several papers in conferences and journals in the multi and many-core domains. He is also a reviewer for several international conferences and journals since 2006.
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