16th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 11-15, 2016, Nara Hotel, Nara, Japan

Slides available here!
Sebastian Wedeniwski, IBM, Japan
The Data-defined Vehicle Architecture
The Internet of Things, cloud computing, connected vehicles, Big Data, analytics -- what does this have to do with the automotive industry? This book provides information about the future of mobility trends resulting from digitisation, connectedness, personalisation and data insights. The automotive industry is on the verge of undergoing a fundamental transformation. Large, traditional companies in particular will have to adapt, develop new business models and implement flexibility with the aid of appropriate enterprise architectures. Transforming critical business competencies is the key concept. The vehicle of the digital future is already here -- who will shape it?
Dr. Sebastian Wedeniwski is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and the Chief Technology Officer for IBM's Automotive Industry, where he is leading the technical strategy for data centric business models for connected vehicles. He is passionate in creating new solutions that address connected lifestyle experiences for physical and virtual mobility demands of the industries.
Sebastian has more than 23 years experience in the IT and 14 years in the Automotive Industry. He has a strong reputation recognized globally within and outside IBM as a member of IBM's Technology Leadership Team, IBM Academy of Technology Leadership Team, and the IBM Industry Academy.
Sebastian published the book "The Mobility Revolution in the Automotive Industry: How not to miss the digital turnpike" in different languages describing the impact of Internet of Things on global industries. His book provides guidelines for strategic development of critical new business competencies in the automotive industry.
Before joining IBM Research & Development Laboratory Germany as chief IT architect for payment systems in banking environments in 1998 he managed and owned two software development companies.
He graduated (Associate's Degree/Diploma) both in Mathematics (Cryptography) and Computing Science (Computational Mathematics) in 1997 and received his Doctorate Degree in Mathematics (Number Theory) from the University of Tubingen in 2001. Between 1998 and 2005 he set many mathematical computation world records and led the project ZetaGrid which was the first large distributed computation grid within IBM connecting 11,000 systems. In 1993 he was winner at the 12th German Nationwide Contest for Computing Science (BWINF).
Sebastian is a member of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA) and Association of The Open Group Enterprise Architects
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