16th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 11-15, 2016, Nara Hotel, Nara, Japan

Yoshihiko Hirota, Konica Minolta, Japan
Masahiro Murakami, Konica Minolta, Japan
The future of SoC design and development for the MFP industry
As an information equipment, the role of the MFP is growing important every year along with the evolution and spread of IT technology. Shipments of MFP, has represented an increasing trend in recent years, has reached nearly 20 million units worldwide in 2015. MFP, as an IT equipment connected to the network, provides multiple functions of input/output, processing, editing, storing, distributing and sharing the image data. Therefore, it has been highly expected to continuously enhance business productivity.
SoCs (including ASICs) are the key devices to achieve these functions. It needs to satisfy the market requirements such as multiple functions and high speed image data processing. And also it must support leading edge interfaces and storage devices. Therefore the importance of the controller design and development, mainly a SoC, in the MFP has been increasing.
Product model change cycle in the MFP industry is approximately two to three years. The product development time heavily depend on the SoC design and development time. In the SoC design and development, we have been utilizing the new tools in order to minimize the development man-hours and shorten the development time with ensuring design qualities.
In this talk, we will share how closely the controller design and development of the MFP has been evolving with the semiconductor technology trends, and present the history of our design and development. We also clarify the design environment we've been working on in order to develop the controller more efficiently. Then we propose a technical expectations and trends to the SoC development with views of the future of the MFP industry.
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