Frédéric Rousseau
TIMA Lab - Grenoble University, France
Communication Consistency for Hardware Context Switch on Heterogeneous FPGAs
This work presents the mechanism to guarantee the communication consistency during the context switch on reconfigurable systems. When a task is context switching, both its execution and its communication flow are interrupted. For years, techniques to manage the task context have been proposed, however, little attention has been paid to support communication consistency. To safely interrupt the communication, we introduce a protocol to manage the communication channels of the task while performing the context extraction and restoration. An hybrid CPU-FPGA architecture is used to implement this communication channels management. To evaluate the benfits of the proposed mechanism, experiments are conducted using a Xilinx ZC706 Evaluation Board.
Prof. Frederic Rousseau received the Engineer degree in computer science and electrical engineering from the University of Grenoble in 1991 and a Ph.D. in computer science in 1997 from the University of Evry - France. He has hold an assistant professor position at the University of Grenoble since October 1999 and a professor position since 2007. He is researcher in TIMA lab. His research interest concerns Systems-on-Chip design and architecture, prototyping of hardware/software systems, including reconfigurable systems and high-level synthesis for embedded systems.