Sunghyun Lee
Openedges Technology, Inc., Korea
Memory Access Optimization for Modern DRAM Devices
DRAM memory subsystem is one of the unsung heroes for market competitiveness of modern SoC products and its importance often goes unappreciated. This talk gives an overview of modern LPDDR4(X) DRAM devices and discusses properties/features relevant to performance and low power consumption.
Sunghyun Lee is cofounder and CEO at Openedges Technology, Inc. He received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul Nat'l Univ. From 2007 to 2015, he was Senior & Principal Engineer at System LSI, Samsung Electronics. Since 2017, he has been CEO at Openedges Technology, Inc. Openedges Technology, Inc. is an IP provider for Smart Computing SoC, and its main IP products are 1) ORBIT high-performance memory subsystem IP and 2) ENLIGHT deep learning accelerator IP for smart computing at the edges.