Arman Roohi
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Edge Imaging Systems: The Role of Integrated Sensing and Normally-off Computing
With the IoT market predicted to reach $1100 billion by 2025, energy-efficient, low-latency solutions for managing massive, often unstructured data are essential. To address these challenges, we propose the Intermittent-Robust Integrated Sensing Computation (IRISC) approach. By integrating always-on sensing with normally-off computing using cross-layer post-CMOS techniques and emerging non-volatile devices, we aim to optimize resource-limited sensory nodes and ensure intermittent-robust computation during power failures. This talk will explore these challenges and our innovative approach for more efficient and reliable IoT systems.
Arman Roohi (S’22) is currently an assistant professor with the School of Computing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, and the director of the Intelligent Device-2–Applications Laboratory (iDEA-Lab). Before joining UNL in 2020, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, in 2019. His research interests span the areas of cross-layer co-design for implementing complex machine learning tasks and secure computation, including hardware security and the security of artificial intelligence, reconfigurable and adaptive computer architectures, and beyond CMOS computing. He has completed over 60 publications on these topics, including best paper recognition, book chapters, and STEM curricular development. He received Ph.D. Forum at DAC 2018 Scholarship, Frank Hubbard Engineering Endowed Scholarship in 2018, best paper recognition in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing in 2019, and paper of the month at IEEE Transactions on Computers in 2017.
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