Denis Dutoit
CEA, Grenoble, France
Disaggregated chiplet-based architectures for computing
While chiplet-based architectures are now well established for high-performance computing, monolithic chips are still dominant for embedded computing. However, the slowing down of Moore’s law and the explosion of advanced circuit design costs are reducing the competitiveness, flexibility and scalability of these monolithic chips. Chiplets therefore appear as an opportunity to respond to these new constraints and requirements by disaggregating monolithic chips and reconstituting them using advanced assembly technologies known as “more-than-Moore”. Based on the experience of architecture studies conducted at CEA in the field of computing, the presentation will give some clues on chiplet-based architectures and related assembly technologies.
Denis Dutoit is a Senior Program Manager in Advanced Computing at CEA-List, one of the world’s largest organizations for research in nanotechnology, microelectronics, architecture and system integration. He coordinated the European ExaNoDe project that developed a computer node demonstrator combining chiplets, an active interposer, and bare dies within a System-in-Package (SiP). He also contributed to the architecture definition of the European Processor Initiative (EPI). As strategic marketing manager, he defined the CEA-Leti’s roadmap of technologies and solutions for advanced computing. His current focus is on architecture pathfinding into chiplet-based designs. Before joining CEA, he was a system-on-chip architect at ST Microelectronics and ST Ericsson. He has authored or coauthored more than 20 articles, including some invited talks and tutorials in the IEEE conferences.
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