Dirk Ziegenbein
Bosch, Germany
Towards Reliable Distributed Systems
Software and Cloud Services are disrupting one industry after the other. So far, Cyber-Physical System industries have felt this disruption only peripherally but not at their core of real-time and safety-critical functionality. However, many players currently work towards Reliable Distributed Systems (RDS) enabling end-to-end real-time and safety guarantees in networked systems involving (edge) cloud systems. This talk will discuss trends and solution ingredients, demonstrate first implementations and outline research challenges.
Dirk Ziegenbein is chief expert for cyber-physical systems engineering and leads a research cluster developing methods and technologies for dynamic distributed systems at Bosch Corporate Research in Stuttgart, Germany. Dirk received a Master’s degree from Virginia Tech and a Ph.D. from Technical University of Braunschweig for his dissertation on modeling and design of embedded systems. He held several positions in R&D (software component technology, scheduling analysis, software architectures for multi-cores, autonomous systems design) and product management (embedded software engineering tools). Additionally, Dirk serves in various technical program committees including RTAS, ECRTS, and DATE.
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