Frederic Rousseau
Grenoble-Alpes University
A Non-Intrusive Tool Chain to Debug and Optimize MPSoC End-to-End Systems
The complexity of the hardware and software stacks in MPSoC requires software optimization with end-to-end knowledge of the system. We propose a non-intrusive, accurate tool chain which can reveal and quantify slowdowns in low-level software mechanisms. Based on emulation, this tool chain extracts behavioral information (time, contention) through hardware side channels, without distorting the software execution flow. This tool consists of two parts. (1) An online acquisition part that dumps hardware platform signals. (2) An offline processing part that consolidates meaningful behavioral information from the dumped data. Validation of method and tools has been done on GNU OpenMP synchronization barrier when running on a 64-core MPSoC.
Pr Frédéric Rousseau received the Engineer degree in computer science and electrical engineering from the University of Grenoble in 1991 and a Ph.D. in computer science in 1997 from the University of Evry – France. He has hold an assistant professor position at the University of Grenoble since October 1999 and a professor position since 2007. He is researcher in TIMA lab. His research interest concerns Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip design and architecture, prototyping of hardware/software systems, including reconfigurable systems and high-level synthesis for embedded systems.
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