Norbert Wehn
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
5G/6G Forward Error Correction under Silicon Implementation Constraints
Channel coding is a crucial technology component in any digital baseband processing. Current and emerging communication standards require a continuous increase in error correction performance, higher throughput, and lower latencies. The transistor density still follows Moore’s law, but the improvement in interconnect delay and power largely slows down. Hence, for 5G and B5G use cases with high throughput, low latency and very good error correction capability, efficient implementation becomes a major bottleneck for the successful application of advanced channel coding from a silicon implementation perspective. In this talk we discuss implementation challenges and solutions for such decoders.
Norbert holds the chair for Microelectronic System Design in the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. He has more than 450 publications in various fields of microelectronic system design and holds several patents. His special research interests are VLSI-architectures for mobile communication, forward error correction techniques, low-power techniques, advanced SoC and memory architectures, postquantum cryptography, reliability challenges in SoC, machine learning, IoT and smart learning environments.
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