Application-Specific Multi-Processor SoC
Summer school sponsored by IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, EDAA, and IST
8 - 12 July 2002, Château de Pizay, France

Home     Agenda     Lectures     Registration     Location & Accommodation

The fee amounts to 1750 €. IEEE members benefit from a reduced fee at 1500 €. The student fee amounts to 900 €. It will cover the documentation, the lunch for five days, dinner for four days including the social dinner. Accommodation for one person in the Château de Pizay amounts to 42,5 €/night in a shared double room and to 70 €/night in a single room. The attendance will be limited to 55 persons. It is necessary to register in advance. Registration will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis. Printable registration form : PDF
To be completed in block letters & returned before May 15, 2002 to:

MP-SoC Summer School (Attn. Sonja Amadou)
TIMA Laboratory
46, avenue Félix Viallet
38031 GRENOBLE CEDEX, France

Fax: +33 476 47 38 14          Email:

Family Name: .........................................................................
First Name: ............................................................................
Organization: ..........................................................................
Address: ................................................................................
Phone: ...................................................................................
Fax: .......................................................................................
E-Mail: ...................................................................................

Please register me for the System-On-Chip Course:

[    ]  Regular registration fee 1750 €

[    ]  IEEE/EDAA members reduced registration fee 1500 €

[    ]  Reduced registration fee for students 900 €

There are 2 ways to pay the registration fee (tick one):

[    ]  payment by Cheque or Bank Transfer to:

Monsieur l'Agent Comptable Secondaire du CNRS
Délégation Alpes, CNRS, 25 Avenue des Martyrs,

Bank Account Number:
Tresor Public Grenoble 10071-38000-00003000056-07
mentioning MPSOC/910706

[    ]  by VISAcard / Mastercard / Eurocard / Diners Club / American Express
        (SA UNIVAL):
I agree to pay the amount of: ............................................................

Credit Card Number: .........................................................................

Expiry Date:....................................

Name of Cardholder: .........................................................................

Date/ Signature: .................................................................................