Monday June 23 |
- Analytical Models of Communication for MPSoCs
Paolo Ienne, EPFL, Switzerland
- Memory Access Analysis and Optimization for Ultra High Definition Video Coding
Youn-Long Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Network-on-Chip for 3D Architectures
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Pennsylvania State, University, USA
- Spidergon: STNoC: The Communication Infrastructure for Multiprocessor Architectures
Marcello Coppola, STMicroelectronics, France
- Four Levels of Parallelism to be Managed in the DIOPSIS based SHAPES Multi-Tiled Architecture
Pier Stanislao Paolucci, ATMEL & INFN, Italy
In-Depth Technical Presentations:
- Adaptive Embedded Processing with RISPP
Lars Bauer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Venezia: a Scalable Multicore Subsystem for Multimedia Applications
Takashi Miyamori, Toshiba, Japan
- Symbian OS SMP
Jason Parker, Symbian Ltd., UK
- Predictable and Composable Multiprocessor Systems for Car-Entertainment. Part 1: business view
René van den Berg, NXP, Netherlands
- Predictable and Composable Multiprocessor Systems for Car-Entertainment: Breaking Resource Dependencies
Marco Bekooij, NXP, Netherlands
Tuesday June 24 |
In-Depth Technical Presentations:
Wednesday June 25 |
- Heterogeneous Embedded Systems Very Large Scale Design Space Exploration
Omar Hammami, ENSTA, France
- Silicon Café: a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Platform based on Coffee (RISC Core)
Jari Nurmi, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- ARPC based Heterogeneous Multi-Core Platform Suitable for an Embedded System
Atsuhiro Suga, Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan
- Key Technologies for Mani Core Architectures
Thierry Collette, CEA LIST, France
- Power Mitigation Techniques in Complex MPSoCs
Olivier Franza, Intel, USA
- The Effect and Technique of System Coherence in ARM Multicore Technology
John Goodacre, ARM, UK
- Zooming out and Scaling up: from 1 to 1000 Cores
Steven P. Levitan, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Practical Usage of "C-based Synthesis" for Dynamic Reconfigurable Chips, and Area Reduction by Performance Balancing
Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, NEC, Japan
- Performance Contracts for Modular MPSoC Integration
Pieter van der Wolf, NXP, Netherlands
In-Depth Technical Presentations:
Thursday June 26 |
- A Multi-threading RISC Cluster for Video Systems
Soo-Ik Chae, Seoul National University, Korea
- System Compilation for MPSoC based on NoC
Ahmed Jerraya, CEA-LETI, MINATEC, France
- R&D for X-Gold SDRxx Platform
Ulrich Ramacher, Infineon, Germany
- An Outer Modem ASIP for Software Defined Radio
Norbert Wehn, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Load Level Modeling
Rolf Ernst, Technical University, Braunschweig, Germany
In-Depth Technical Presentations:
Friday June 27 |
In-Depth Technical Presentations: