
Youn-Long Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


Power-Up Scheduling for Multicore SOCs


We describe a technique for power-up sequence control of MTCMOS-gated multicore designs. Our method minimizes in-rush current, dynamic IR-drop, and power-up time. Excessive in-rush current may damage the chip; Large dynamic IR-drop may cause malfunction of victim domains; While power-up time directly links to system throughput and response time. State-of-the-art implementations show that these three objectives can be handled simultaneously.


Youn-Long Lin received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He is Tsing Hua Chair Professor of National Tsing Hua University and co-founder of Global UniChip Corp. His research interest includes high-level synthesis, physical design automation, and video coding.

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