15th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 13-17, 2015, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA
The MPSoC'15 seminar will take place at Ventura Beach Marriottat Ventura, California, USA
Ventura Beach Marriott
2055 E Harbor Blvd
Ventura, CA 93001
Phone: +1-805-643-6000
Fax: +1-805-643-7137
MPSoC'15 Hotel reservation:
The Ventura Beach Marriott offers special discount rates for MPSoC attendees. Room reservations should be made before June 26th, 2015, with the reservation link here! Reservation condition after this date is subject to changes.Rooms will be allocated on the "first come, first served" basis.
Unfortunately Ventura Beach Marriott does not offer shuttle service from airports. For shuttle and taxi information from SBA/BUR/LAX airport to the hotel, please take a look at this webpage. It also contains detailed driving directions to the hotel. Here, we also provide some additional information: If you land on LAX airport in Los Angeles, it is about 70 miles to the conference hotel. You can get to the conference hotel:By Shuttle
1. Roadrunner: This may provide door-to-door service to the hotel. Reversation is needed. Estimated fee: $80 2. Ventury County Airporter: This will drive you from LAX airport to Holiday Inn Express in Ventura, which is about 2.3 miles to Ventura Beach Marriott. We plan to arrange a student volunteer waiting at Holiday Inn Express to meet those who gets dropped off at Holiday Inn Express, to take them to the conference hotel. Estimated fee: $35By rental car
If you plan to rent a car from LAX airport, you may follow the driving instruction provided in the hotel webpage. It takes about 1 hour and 13 minutes without traffic, according to Google maps.By Taxi/Uber
You can take a taxi from the airport to the conference hotel. Alternatively, you can always request a Uber car if you have internet access through you phone. You will need to download the Uber app beforehand.Entertainment:
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