15th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 13-17, 2015, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA

Slides available here!
Prof. Frédéric Pétrot, TIMA Lab, Grenoble University, France
A Few Open Problems in Vertically-Partially-Connected 3D-NoC
The emergence of the NoC concept in the early 2000 has led to a drastic change in considering on-chip interconnect. The recent introduction of technologies making use of the third dimension introduces new issues at all levels of the design. This talk will focus on some open issues at system level, namely routing, assignement of nodes to vertical connections, and placement of vertical connections in vertically partially connected NoC. Some preliminary work on assignment will be detailed.
Frédéric Pétrot received the DEA (master) and PhD degree in Computer Science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France, in respectively 1990 and 1994. From 1995 to 2004, he was assistant professor, and contributed actively to open source CAD and ESL projects. F. Pétrot joined TIMA in September 2004, and holds a professor position at the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, where, since 2007, he heads the System Level Synthesis group. Since january 2015, he is deputy director of the TIMA lab.
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