15th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 13-17, 2015, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA

Slides available here!
Prof. Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Thermal Effects in Silicon-Photonic Interconnect Networks
The performance and energy efficiency of a computing system is determined not only by its processors, memories, storage, and peripherals but also how efficiently they communicate with each other. As new applications continuously require more communication bandwidth, metallic interconnects gradually become the bottlenecks of computing systems due to their high power consumption, limited bandwidth, and signal integrity issues. Optical interconnect networks based on silicon photonic devices can potentially offer ultra-high bandwidth, low power, and low latency to address in-rack, inter-chip, and intra-chip communication challenges. However, thermal sensitivity is an intrinsic characteristic of silicon photonic devices and a potential issue. This project systematically modeled and analyzed the thermal effects in optical interconnect networks based on silicon-photonic devices, and proposed several techniques to alleviate their impacts on energy efficiency. Based on this project, we developed and released an open-source tool, OTemp (www.ece.ust.hk/~eexu), to model and analyze the performance of optical interconnect networks under temperature variations.
Jiang Xu received his Ph.D. degree from Princeton University. From 2001 to 2002, he worked at Bell Labs, NJ, as a Research Associate and discovered the First Generation Dilemma in platform-based SoC design methodologies. He was a Research Associate at NEC Laboratories America, NJ, from 2003 to 2005 and working on Network-on-Chip designs and implementations. He joined a startup company, Sandbridge Technologies, NY, from 2005 to 2007 and worked on the development and implementation of two generations of NoC-based ultra-low power Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip for mobile platforms. Dr. Xu established Mobile Computing System Lab and Xilinx-HKUST Joint Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He currently serves as the Area Editor of NoC, SoC, and GPU for ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. He served on the steering committees, organizing committees, and technical program committees of many international conferences, including DAC, ICCAD, CASES, ICCD, EMSOFT, CODES+ISSS, NOCS, RTCSA, ASP-DAC, etc. Dr. Xu is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and was an ACM Distinguished Speaker and an. He authored and coauthored more than 80 book chapters and papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. He and his students received Best Paper Award from IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI in 2009, and Best Poster Award from AMD Technical Forum and Exhibition in 2010. He coauthored a book titled Algorithms, Architecture and System-on-Chip Design for Wireless Applications (Cambridge University Press). His research areas include optical interconnect, network-on-chip, multiprocessor system-on-chip, embedded system, computer architecture, low-power VLSI design, and HW/SW codesign.
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