15th International Forum on MPSoC for Software-defined Hardware
July 13-17, 2015, Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA

Slides available here!
Nicolas Ventroux, CEA-List, France
Virtual prototyping acceleration on manycore architectures
The complexity of system-level modeling is continuously increasing. Electronic System Level (ESL) design of manycore architectures requires fast simulation techniques to control future SoC development cost and time-to-market. In this talk, we present a new parallel SystemC kernel, which efficiently leverages the multiple cores of a host machine, reaching high simulation performance without relaxing accuracy. We present a study based on a 2D-mesh manycore virtual prototype implemented with two different simulation environments.
Nicolas Ventroux is a project manager and the deputy head of the Embedded Computing Laboratory at CEA LIST. He received a M.Sc and a M.Eng. in Computer Sciences from INSA, Rennes in 2003, and the PhD degree in Electronics from the University of Rennes in 2006. He is a CEA expert in multiprocessor modeling and design, and a project manager of national and European projects. He was a scholar visitor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the CALCM laboratory for one year in 2012. He is involved today in different European programs and in the management of large European research projects. He wrote, as author and co-author, eight patents and several papers in conferences and journals about multicore and manycore architectures, virtual prototyping, multicore scheduling strategies, reliability, stereovision and image processing, as well as multithreaded, reconfigurable and auto-adaptive architectures. He is also a reviewer for several international conferences and journals since 2006.
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