for software-defined hardware
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Now the security is the inevitable feature for all the systems. However, small devices of IoT are not secured. This is because such devices are controlled by low-end processors/controllers, which cannot support security features with software. Further, hardware cipher IPs for the security does not fit to the small devices, and we need cipher IPs with much less power and cost. In this talk, I’ll overview current IoT systems from the view of security, and show an initial result toward less power and cost of cipher IPs.
Fumio Arakawa is a designated researcher of Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo and a designated professor of Graduate School of Informatics at Nagoya University. His research interests include architecture and micro-architecture of low-power and high-performance processors. He has founded a R&D and consulting company, Famer Systems, Inc. to contribute on industries with his R&D experience. Arakawa has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo. He is a program committee co-chair of the Cool Chips conference series, and the chairman of Microprocessor Technical Committee of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA). He is a member of IEEE and IEICE.