for software-defined hardware
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Rolf Ernst
Professor at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Effects of Dynamic NoC Resource Management for Mixed Critically Applications
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The dynamic NoC resource management for mixed criticality applications presented last year has been further elaborated to help minimizing on-chip router requirements, mainly buffer size, thereby improving average case performance and tightness of worst-case analysis. After a short introduction to the dynamic NoC and its protocol, new results will be presented, both for the original NoC and for a commercial many-core system, where resource management was implemented in software.
Rolf Ernst is a professor at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. He received a BSc, MSc in CS and a Ph.D. in EE from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. After 2 years at Bell Labs in Allentown, PA, he joined the TU Braunschweig where he chairs the Institute of Computer and Network Engineering (IDA). His interests cover aspects of design and architecture of embedded and cyber-physical systems, with a focus on real-time and safety critical systems.