14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Slides available here!
Akihiko Shinya, NTT Nanophotonics Center, Japan
Integrated Nanophotonics Technology Toward fJ/bit Optical Communication in a Chip
The explosive spread of broadband services and smartphones will increase the total energy consumed by ICT devices by a factor of five by 2025. The most energy is consumed in metal wires on processor chips and by accompanying cooling systems. From this background, photonic network-on-chip designs, which replace metal wiring with low-loss optical links and exploit the advantages of photonic networking, have been attracting a lot of attention. However, photonics integration technology is still much less mature than its electronics counterpart. The desired footprint for photonic devices will be around several micrometers or less in the future, which is orders of magnitude smaller than that for conventional photonic ones. This talk will show that photonic crystal is a promising platform for dense photonic integration. Photonic crystal, an artificial dielectric made by using nanotechnology, is advantageous for developing various nanophotonic devices owing to its tight light confinement effect. These wavelength-scale and integratable devices are promising for dense photonic networks on a processor chip, which will enable high-performance information processing with low power consumption and reduced heat generation.
Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor, NTT Basic Research Laboratories. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokushima University in 1994, 1996, and 1999, respectively. In 1999, he joined NTT basic Research Laboratories. He has been engaged in R&D of photonic crystal devices. He is a member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics and the Laser Society of Japan.
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