14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Slides available here!
Mr. Akira Asato, Fujitsu, Japan
Design methodology for SoCs in large supercomputer systems
Today's supercomputer systems are generally composed of a large amount of many-core nodes. In such a system, interactions between cores/nodes tend to be so frequent and complicated, therefore control logics should be designed carefully to handle them correctly. On the other hand, the verification environment is limited and only a part of the system can be checked at once. This means that the verification should be performed on partial and incomplete system models. In this talk, design methodologies for SoCs in large systems will be discussed from a verification point of view, taking the K computer system as an example.
Akira Asato is a vice president of LSI development division at FUJITSU. Since he joined FUJITSU in 1983, he has been involved in many research and development projects covering various computer system related technologies. His current focus is designing processor for supercomputers.
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