14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Slides available here!
Prof. Hiroshi Nakamura, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Normally-Off Computing for Smart City Applications
It is indispensable for our modern society to reduce power consumption of computer systems. "Normally-Off" is a power managemet technology that aggressively cuts off power supply to components of computer systems when they need not to operate even under computation, while satifying performance requirement. In this talk, the appication of Normally-Off Computing to Smart City is discussed with brief introduction of the NEDO project started in 2011.
Hiroshi Nakamura is a Professor in the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology and a Director of Information Technology Center at The University of Tokyo. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of Tokyo in 1990. His research interests include power-efficient computer architecture and VLSI design for high-performance and embedded systems. He is now leading the "Normally-Off Computing Project" supported by NEDO/METI. He served IEEE ISLPED 2011 as a general chair. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.
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