14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Slides available here!
Jean Pierre Tual, Gemalto, France
An overview of some security and privacy design challenges in M2M, Internet of Things or Wearable computing applications
New computing paradigms such as encountered in the emerging M2M, Internet of Things or Wearable domains are putting strong constraints on how security and privacy considerations must be taken in account in the related system and device architectures. Difficult challenges from this perspective are raised, with the need to take in account the global sensing environment the devices are operating in, as well as all aspects related to e.g. secure remote credential or embedded SW bootstrapping and management, multiplicity of wireless interfaces, very precise geo-localization capabilities, energy-constraint computing, Examples from the Automotive, Smart-energy, Mobile Cloud or Wearable Computing showing the potential threats as well as some design guidance principles will illustrate the purpose.
Jean-Pierre Tual is currently Director, Industrial Relations, in the Research and Innovation Department of Gemalto. He is especially in charge of the corporate strategy for developing R&D collaborative projects in all business areas of the Company. He has been involved in the setting-up and management of large projects related to Digital identity, Mobile service development, Security and Embedded SW for SIM, smart-cards or other wearable devices. He is currently in the Management Boards of several Competitiveness Clusters in France and also within the Eureka Catrene and Celtic R&D Clusters, dealing with Microelectronics and Telecommunications respectively. He was formerly R&D manager of the smart-card operations of Schlumberger SEMA (2001-2003), VP in charge of the R&D and technical support at Bull CP8 (1999-2001), VP smart-card Business Unit at Bull-CP8 (1996-1999).
Jean-Pierre Tual is holding an Engineering Diploma from the French "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées" in Paris (1976) and holds also a Ph.D in Mathematics from the University of Paris 6 (1979).
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