14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Slides available here!
Jochen Haerdtlein, Bosch BLAH, Germany
The Challenge of Mastering Parallelism in Real-time Systems
Upcoming hardware architecture in embedded will provide more computing power only via increasing parallelism in computing units. To master this parallelism in embedded real-time-critical systems, however, requires not only re-design of legacy systems. Instead, also the established engineering methods and implemented tools have to be enhanced in order to allow system development and integration on an efficient level. Within this talk, the challenges and opportunities of the upcoming new era of massively parallel hardware in real-time-critical applications are highlighted and a summary will be presented to what extend the existing solutions from other domains map to the challenges of the automotive use cases.
Dr. Jochen Haerdtlein has graduated in Mathematics and holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Since January 2012 he is project manager for investigating the usability of many-core processors for embedded, safety-critical real-time systems in the Corporate Sector Research at the Robert Bosch GmbH. From 2008 until 2012 he was in charge for coordinating the software activities concerning usage of multi-core processors in Bosch's real-time embedded domains. In his PhD thesis he was working to improve existing C++ implementation techniques, in order to achieve efficient code for various numerical solutions of differential equations on high performance computing platforms.
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