14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Slides available here!
John Goodacre, ARM, UK
EUROSERVER: Riding the perfect storm
EUROSERVER is a European commission FP7 funded project which is combining the technology trends of nanotechnology 3D integration, low-power SoC processor integration and the impossible requirements from next generation compute to investigate and build a solution for scalable, cost effective and flexible ARM-based micro-server system architecture suitable across multiple markets. This talk will introduce the vision and the goals for the project and the approach the consortium is taking to realize a ground breaking solution out of this perfect storm.
John joined ARM in February 2002 with responsibility for their system platform architecture. Today he is Director of Technology and Systems looking toward future technologies and products within the ARM processor division. As a regular technology conference speaker, writer and evangelist, John is probably best known as the product architect for the ARM MPCore processor solutions and his introduction of the Cortex-A9 multicore processor. Having spent the first half of his career in software development, specializing both in enterprise software while in Microsoft as Group Program Manager, responsible for the new real-time collaboration features of Exchange 2000 Server, and subsequently, embedded software through managing a team developing the first mobile phone HTML browser - he will often provide an unique insight in presentations, since he possesses the rare skill to have developed leading technologies across a wide spectrum of both hardware and software disciplines.
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