14th International Forum on Embedded MPSoC and Multicore
July 7-11, 2014, Margaux, France

Dr. Raphael David, CEA LIST, France
In Sensor Processing: Opportunities for Massively Parallel Computing
Dr. Raphael David is a senior expert at CEA LIST, in the field of embedded parallel architectures. He received his PhD degree in computer engineering for having designed the DART reconfigurable processor, from the University of Rennes I, France, in 2003. He has joined the CEA LIST in a post-doctoral position to study reconfigurable architectures benefits to reduce power consumption of embedded systems. Since 2004 he has proposed dynamic execution models for programmable and reconfigurable multi- and many-cores systems to support variable execution conditions, either coming from technology or data-dependant applications. He has managed these activities as the leader of the MPSOC design team in CEA LIST from 2006 to 2009 and has explored the architectures design space to support such advanced execution models in various national and European projects. His research interests also include the dynamically reconfigurable processors for image processing and low power design. Raphael David took the lead of the Embedded Computing Laboratory of the CEA LIST in 2010 to design high performance embedded architectures for image processing and vision systems.
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