Danilo Pau
STMicroelectronics, Italy
Artificial Intelligent Sensors: the core of Cyber-Physical-Systems From Theory to Practice
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are becoming, without pace, more pervasive into embedded systems. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are mostly confined into the cloud, where unlimited computing resources seems to be available and evolving tirelessly. Unfortunately a layered architecture in which dumb sensors are attached to the cloud would become quickly too centralized, poorly scalable and slowly responsive in the IoT expected scenario that will deploy hundreds of billions of sensors communicating through low data rate networks.
In that context, STMicroelectronics is developing solutions to bring Artificial Intelligence closer to the sensors and potentially within same package. This talk will review new intelligent technological solutions and mechanisms under development and publicly announced. The talk will tell how they represent the key ingredients needed to design the current and future generation of artificial intelligent cyber-physical embedded systems and derived applications based on STMicroelectronics heterogeneous sensors, micro controllers and SoC. In particular, aspects related on how address current interoperability, productivity and constrained embedded resource gaps will be discussed with practical examples. Moreover the investigation and design of adaptive and cognitive computational-intelligence techniques able to learn, adopting artificial neural networks and operate in nonstationary environments and the deployment of credible networked intelligent cyber-physical systems able to operate in time varying environments will be introduced.
Danilo Pietro Pau graduated at Politecnico di Milano, Italy on 1992 in Electronic Engineering. On 1991 he joined STMicroelectronics and since then worked on different R&D subjects such video coding, embedded graphics, computer vision and deep learning in Advanced System Technology with the aim of bringing them into company products. Currently he holds Senior Principal Engineer, Member of Technical Staff position. He served as Chairman of the STMicroelectronics Technical Staff Italian Community. He is also IEEE Senior Member, serving Industry Ambassadors for IEEE Region 8 South Europe and vice chair of Task Force on “Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems” within IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.